A not-for-profit organization on a mission to create socio- economic opportunities for the underprivileged and help sustain various art forms and Indian Cultural Heritage.

Talk to us if you are interested to contribute to our efforts or are seeking help. We are always looking for new ways to help.


RASI CARES is the Public Charitable Trust (NGO) aimed at public benevolence, amelioration of

human suffering, improvement of social and economical conditions of the underprivileged,

advancement of knowledge, promotion of art and culture etc..

Formerly known as Rasi Devotional and Cultural Trust founded by Shri Palagummi Rajagopal - a Music Composer & a Playback Singer at the beginning of this millennia - the year 2000 with Regn. No.93/2000, Rasi has focused mainly on the sustenance and recreation of various forms of South Asian Music and Poetry, and organised welfare programmes for the poor and needy, during all these years. Rasi trust was fortunate to be the front runner in such activities of art, culture and other welfare activities for over 20 years, and has achieved some significant milestones in that process.

Renamed as RASI CARES with expanded objectives to serve for the well-being of the society in

a better way, Rasi Cares has embarked on new and innovative plans and initiatives for social,

community and sustainable development.


The efforts to sustain art have taken many shapes and forms over centuries of cultural evoluition. In that process, modern media and technology have served as a launchpad for many such efforts that successfully archived some of the greatest art forms and ancient epics that are seeing a cultural revival. RASI Cares was fortunate to be the frontrunner in such efforts for art for over 20 years and have achieved some significant milestones in that process. Please see some snapshots of our work below.